File management

Here are some examples on basic file management.

(Note that the commands are in one single line, i.e. don't break them into multiple lines!)

  • Change directory, e.g. change to a subdirectory called "mydir":$cd mydir.
    • Change to the parent (upper) folder:$cd ..
    • Change to the previous folder:$cd -
    • Change to your home directory:$cd ~ or solely$cd
  • Create directory, e.g. create a directory named "mydir": $ mkdir mydir
  • List files, e.g. in the directory "mydir": $ ls mydir
  • Create an empty file, e.g. create a file named "myfile": $ touch myfile
  • Copy files, e.g. copy a file named "myfile" as "myfile_copy": $ cp myfile myfile_copy
  • Move files, e.g. move a file named "myfile_copy" into directory "mydir": $ mv myfile_copy mydir/myfile_copy
  • Rename files, e.g. rename a file named "myfile" into "myfile1": $ mv myfile myfile1
  • Remove files (use with caution!!), e.g. remove a file named "myfile1": $ rm myfile1

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